Defrag Shorts

Defrag Shorts are digital media film clips ranging from 8 to 10 minutes in length. Defrag Shorts demonstrate new ways of leveraging rich media for communication, marketing, advocacy, visualization, product and business development.


Defrag Shorts will be shown at Defrag conferences. The schedule of showings for the April 12, 13 & 14 conference will be posted here and shown on-site at the conference.


We are accepting admissions for the Defrag Ohio Youngstown conference now. Please email or with your submissions.


Defrag Shorts Schedule

April 12, 13 & 14, 2007


Digital Airport Initiative

is a regionally-based Northeast Ohio business collaboration supported by advertising revenues, presenting regionally-based content at the airport through digital displays and providing a sizable revenue return to Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Barbara Siss Oney, former Chief Marketing Officer of the Convention and Visitor's Bureau of Greater Cleveland notes. "The airport is THE most important location our community should be marketing itself through. It is the Gateway to our Region – Our Front Door. This is too important for our entire community not to have a significant dynamic presence." Learn more about this Regional Gateway, Strategic Doing initiative here.


Did You Know; Shift Happens is powerful piece about shifting cognitive mindsets to advance change and acceptance of new viewpoints. Shift demonstrates some of the hard shifts that need to happen in how we perceive our (economic) relationship to others in a global society.


Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us


Clockwork 360 Offers a preview of upcoming 3D game title under development in Cleveland. Morgan Adams, Adams Immersive